Additional Products   

Below you'll find a few additional products to consider for use with the ConvertExcel2TXF macro. If you have any questions, or suggestions for additional products, just shoot me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

MatchBuySell$2.50 (No Longer Available)

NOTE: this functionality is now built in to the new software, Excel2TXF. Click the Investotek logo at the top of the page to be taken to the new homepage

Many brokers offer a download of your complete capital gains transactions. However, some brokers only offer a download of individual buy & sell transactions (IZone, OptionsXpress, TradeStation, etc). So, before you can use the ConvertExcel2TXF macro, you need to match up the individual buy & sell transactions. This macro will do this for you in a matter of seconds! You can purchase this macro for a mere $2.50 by clicking the above Paypal button.

CombineDailyTrades $2.50 (No Longer Available)

NOTE: this functionality is now built in to the new software, Excel2TXF. Click the Investotek logo at the top of the page to be taken to the new homepage

Do you have multiple trades for the same security in a given day? If you do, then this macro is for you. This macro will combine and sum all daily transactions for a given symbol. For an active trader, this can reduce the total number of transactions significantly, which leaves you with a much cleaner, more managable Excel file and TXF file. For example, one customer had over 3,500 transactions in his IB Excel file. Running this macro reduced the number of transactions to just 198! You can purchase this macro for a mere $2.50 by clicking the above Paypal button.

ConvertCSV2TXF$5.00 (No Longer Available)

NOTE: there is now a specific java version of the new software, Excel2TXF. Click the Investotek logo at the top of the page to be taken to the new homepage

Mac user? OpenOffice user? Don't have at least Excel 2000? This program has all of the same functionality as our popular ConvertExcel2TXF macro, but doesn't require Excel or even a PC. It's a stand-alone Java executable, so it should run on any platform. All you need is java loaded on your system, which is a free download from Sun Microsystems. Instructions for using this file can be found here. You can purchase this program for a mere $5.00 by clicking the above Paypal button.

TXF2Excel$2.50 (No Longer Available)

NOTE: there is a newer version of this software available here.

Note: This program is the opposite of what most people are looking for. If you want to convert an Excel file to a TXF file, you'll need to purchase our main product, ConvertExcel2TXF, from the home page

Does your broker already offer a TXF file, but you would like to view the contents and/or make modifications? This easy-to-use macro will convert your TXF file to an Excel file in a matter of seconds! You can purchase this macro for a mere $2.50 by clicking the above Paypal button. If you end up editing or modifying the data in the new Excel file, just use our popular ConvertExcel2TXF macro to convert back to a TXF file!

If you have any questions or comments, send me an email.
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